My bad
I've been away for a minute. In retrospect, making something like a clone of AdventureQuest was more ambitious than I thought it would be. That's probably the case for any kind of RPG type of project in general, just tons of data to keep track of all the time. Huge respect to all the smaller devs that can pull it off. I think I was mostly on track, but I just was absolutely blocked by the animation part. Because there isn't really any functional IK in Godot 4 yet, I'd need to touch every single bone in the skeleton to animate where I want it to go, instead of just like, dragging one point where I want it to be, and the rest of the skeleton moving to accommodate the new position. I didn't really want to learn another outside tool to be able to do that, so I kind of just got sucked into modding Skyrim on my Linux machine and spent all my free time in that for a couple weeks. And then my wife started a new part time job, so the majority of my evening hours was dedicated to taking care of my kids and then tidying up for the day, leaving about 30 minutes to unwind before sleeping. Not a whole lot of time left over now.
But I still want to create. So I needed to come up with something I can learn from, but also simple enough I could actually finish. And then I realized: Those spot the difference games like "I'm On Observation Duty" is a pretty low hanging fruit, for the most part it's all bought environment assets and adding some minor changes to randomly trigger that need to be spotted. And I don't mean to sound mean about it, I do think it's a fun type of game, but it's also pretty low effort (I mean come on, there's like 2.3 releases a year, that's a pretty damn short dev cycle). So I'm planning to make my own copycat built out myself. I had something functional thrown together in about two hours in a morning, so now it's really all about... filling it.
So, yeah. Just need to add all the things, polish up the UI, and then put it out there and see what people think. Far more simple than a whole RPG built entirely on menus.
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