Looking cool, Joker

 Alright, so I'm still sorting out some kinks with the inventory code (Who knew I'd cause myself so many headaches from changing from an array to a dictionary of arrays) but in between solving that, I've started working with my asset library to make things prettier than just a grey screen with numbers on it.

The home hub is looking nice, with some simple cloud movement if you want to just sit there for no reason. And I also made a background for a battle screen too

Still need to get the visual representations of the battlers mixed in, after sorting out the inventory logic that is, and then I can just create a small pool of resources, plug everything in, and see how it all works. Assuming that goes well, I can add in a handful more, call it a demo, and let people start trying it out. I realize now that this means I'm missing some animations of the battlers, but I think that can come later. I just want to see something there, first. So, pretty good progress, all things considered.


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